Alabama Rescue Services Association is a state-wide membership organization consisting entirely of not-for profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) charitable organizations located in Alabama. The organization was founded in 1991 and was recognized by an act of the Alabama Legislature; Code of Alabama Section 40-23-5(o).

The members of the association provide many services to their local communities, including....

  • Performing any function or service to promote the activities and functions of the Rescue Service Organization members legally consistent with the promotion of relief for the hungry, the homeless, the poor, the distressed, abused and the underprivileged.

  • Providing services to faith-based organizations operating in Alabama, including education and training for the promotion of self-sufficiency, and lessening each member's dependence upon government funding.

  • Promoting the establishment of new organizations in areas of need within the State of Alabama whose purpose and function it is to provide services to the indigent, needy citizens of the State as provided within.

  • Lessening the burden of the government in helping the hungry, the homeless, the poor, the distressed, the abused and the underprivileged.

  • Locating and identifing Rescue Service organizations within the State of Alabama. Helping and assisting them in servicing the poor and furthering the purposes set forth herein.